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Conservation Commission Minutes 10/12/2009
Chichester Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting
October 12, 2009

Members present:  Chairman Robert Mann, Jeff Andrews, Dawn Marshall, Zack Boyajian, Gordon Jones,  and Secretary Jamie Pike.

Other present:  Paul Adams

Chairman Mann opened the meeting at 7:04pm.

The minutes of September 14, 2009 were reviewed.  A motion was made by Mr. Andrews and seconded by Ms. Marshall to approve the minutes with minor grammatical correction.  Motion passes.

The Board of Selectmen minutes were reviewed.  There was discussion about the LUCT revenue split and capping the annual contribution to the Conservation Fund.  It was noted that in 2008 the voters elected to cap the annual contribution at $250,000.

An information sheet was reviewed for the upcoming NH Assoc of Conservation Commissions Annual Meeting.  Ms. Marshall will be attending.

Master Plan Update  Mr. Pike presented the Commission with various models selected from the Innovative Land Use Handbook.  He asked the members to review over the next month and make suggestions for inclusion.

Carpenter Park Trail  Mr. Boyajian reported that he has spoke with the Ordway family, but they are not currently available to discuss the project due to unforeseen circumstances.

Carpenter Park Survey  The topographic survey has been completed and is currently being drafted.

CIP  It was noted that none of the Parks and Recreation projects were recommended at this time.

Guida Easement  Mr. Andrews shared an e-mail with the members that had been sent by Mr. Giuda in response to the previously sent letter.  The Commission completed a site walk of the property during September.  The Easement Criteria was reviewed with favorable conclusions found in items 1 and 2 and other items to be determined as the process moves along.   A motion was made by Mr. Andrews and seconded by Ms. Marshall in determination that the property in question meets the substantial recommendations of items 1 and 2 of the criteria on holding Conservation Easements adopted April 9, 2007,  and therefore the Chichester Conservation Commission shall work with Mr. Guida to provide assistance in the execution of a conservation easement on the property and further it is recommended that the Five Rivers Trust be the holder of the easement.  

Discussion on the motion included the necessity of enforceable protection language and the possibility of a stewardship donation.  During the site walk it was apparent that the predeceasing golf course caused much damage to the land and that there were areas that were not productive to vegetation.  While there is active restoration being done, it is not being completed with a specific conservation purpose.

Mr. Adams stated that he represented an “identified biased opinion.”  He felt the Conservation Easement has been knocked around and previously held that the Conservation Commission was not interested in the land.  Mr. Adams stated that he had walked the site in 1945 and feels he is familiar with the property.  Over the past month, he has witnessed approximately 100 trailers of woodchips leaving the property and does not believe the Town of Chichester is getting all its monies worth out of the development.  Mr. Andrews explained to Mr. Adams that Mr. Guida is pursuing the idea of foregoing the development and placing a vast majority of the parcel in a conservation easement.  Mr. Adams responded that he withdrew his comments.

Being no further discussion, the motion was called to a vote, and the motion passes.

Other Business  

An offer for sale of state property along Route 4 was reviewed.  The land was not justified as conservation land.

The 2010 Fiscal budget was reviewed.  The Commission shall defer the secretarial line item to the Board of Selectmen and shall further request $1000 for general expenses. The Commission expressed their appreciation for the secretary’s efforts and that they would support whatever raise the BOS deemed appropriate.  A motion was made by Mr. Boyajian and seconded by Ms. Marshall to approve the recommended budget.  Motion passes.

A motion was made by Mr. Andrews and seconded by Mr. Jones to purchase two copies of the book, “Preserving Family Lands, Book 1”.  One copy shall be maintained at the Town Hall and One copy shall be donated to the Library.  Motion passes.

A motion was made by Ms. Marshall and seconded by Mr. Boyajian to adjourn the meeting at 8:52pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie A Pike

                                                                        Approved as written.  11/9/2009

Robert Mann, Chairman